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Please complete the below form to register your children (Pre-K through 12) for the 2022-23 school year. New families may register from Aug 15th.


Click Here for tuition and payment details. First semester/half payment is due by September 20, 2022. $100 Non-refundable deposit due at time of registration (applied towards tuition).


Father's Name*
Mother's Name*
Home Address*
Primary Email Address*
Secondary Email Address
Primary Cell Phone Number (###-###-####)*
Secondary Cell Phone Number (###-###-####)
Emergency Contact's Name*
Emergency Cell Phone Number (###-###-####)*

Please provide the full name of a back-up person responsible for picking up your child(ren), when parent(s) are not able to:*


Note: The individual must arrive with a valid state-issued ID to present to the UWMS Islamic School teaching staff otherwise the student(s) will not be allowed to leave the UWMS Islamic School premises.

Are you a new family (not enrolled for at least one semester during the 2021-22 school year)?*
Are you a UWMS Member (membership dues current or full year's membership will be paid by December 31, 2022)?*
Child must be 4 years old by December 31, 2022 to enroll.

Child 1:  Name, Public School Grade, and Date of Birth*
Child 2:  Name, Public School Grade, and Date of Birth
Child 3:  Name, Public School Grade, and Date of Birth
Child 4:  Name, Public School Grade, and Date of Birth
Does/do your child(ren) suffer from any medical condition that would require the attention of UWMS Islamic School's teaching staff, such as asthma, epilepsy, allergies, etc.?*
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question about medical conditions, please explain more in detail:
Does your child have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or, 504 Plan?*
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question about IEP/504 plan, please provide a copy and discuss with the school's principal (

The following questions are to help us gain better understanding of your child's religious and spiritual knowledge and exposure to Islam. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing us with the information. These questions are required for new students.

Please rate each child's familiarity with reading Arabic based on the levels below:
  • Not familiar with Arabic
  • Beginner - can identify and name Arabic letters
  • Intermediate - can read basic Arabic works
  • Advanced - able to read Quranic verse
Please also mention if your child is a native Arabic speaker.
Child 1 - Please describe child's level of Arabic reading proficiency:
Child 2 - Please describe child's level of Arabic reading proficiency:
Child 3 - Please describe child's level of Arabic reading proficiency:
Child 4 - Please describe child's level of Arabic reading proficiency:
What languages are spoken at home?
It will be helpful for us to know who has been fully vaccinated and would appreciate it if you can share this information.

Your content has been submitted


UWMS is looking for parents/guardians who are interested in volunteering. Please indicate below whether you would like to be contacted about volunteering.*

                I understand that any balance due to UWMS must be paid off to complete enrollment of my child(ren) this coming school year. We have a fee assistance program. Please reach out to the school for further information regarding tuition assistance.*  


Registration successfully submitted. Thank you. 

Please click here for deposit/tuition payment.









An error has occurred with your submission. Please make sure all required fields (marked as *) are filled out. If you continue to have issues please email

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